10 Principles To Your Sacred Awakening

For Deeper Intimacy, More Pleasure and Closer Connection.


"I'm not going tell you what tantra is. Go and experience it yourself."

TANTRA... It’s different for everybody.
Tantra for me is embodying the tools to unlock your human potential. It is a holistic healing science and a way of life. Teaching tantra means providing the tools for deeper self-love, freedom, and transcending into a higher state of being and the expansion into super-consciousness. We do this by honoring and embracing the light and the dark aspects and integrating it into our human being with your head, heart, sex, and spirit.

"If you want world peace you need to start with inner peace."

And that means the balance of the Divine feminine and masculine energies that is inside all of us. This is not about gender, it’s about energy. Different cultures call it Yin Yang.

Science calls it left-brain / right-brain.

"The word tantra means Expansion/Liberation or to Weave."

In tantra, we use the terms Shiva the divine masculine energy, which is to be present, and Shakti, the divine feminine energy, which is to surrender.

Tantra is one of the oldest spiritual practices and can be found in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoist philosophies. Tantra is the only spiritual practice that incorporates and honors sexuality.

Whereas all other paths and religions deny it. Tantra is the path that aligns everything from head, heart, sex, and spirit.

In this book, you will discover what tantra is with some beautiful stories and simple use of language to explain this ancient science.


My beautiful Shiva Krishna Lover Friend Shaft I just read your whole book on my plane ride to visit my lover. I really enjoyed how you share how you choose to live your authentic dream life and how you go about achieving those goals especially since you relocate often and have learned how to recreate a thriving environment for you.

Really inspiring and encouraged me to craft my own rules for an orgasmic life Thank you. I love you.

You are doing so much amazing work and I feel so happy to have met you and to share this deep bond I feel with you. I would really love to know where in the world you will be in the coming months and where I should aim to be to reunite with you.

My deepest love, admiration and tantric gratitude Polyamorous Tantrica, Breaker of Shame and Navigator of the Heart


Let Shaft Uddin take you on a ride of deeper expansion,
self-love, and self-discovery.

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